Hello everyone!

I'm back with one more puzzle! This one is hardcore!

You are playing as the shaman against a warlock opponent. He managed to put 4 large taunt minions on board while reducing your health to 4. Next turn your opponent is most likely to kill you, so the best solution is to finish the game this turn. Is that even possible? If so, what is the line of play that gives you the highest chance of winning the game?

Good luck and have fun!

Click here to see the full sized image
Hello everyone!

Back in July, nobody could play hearthstone besides on a card game simulator. Some people enjoyed playing that way, but most did not even bother. At that time I had the idea to create puzzles using Hearthstone cards for people to solve. I posted them on hearthpwn.com forums, and they were well received by the community. Up until now I have made 7 puzzles, each for a different class, with various difficulty levels.

Yesterday Blizzard posted some puzzles of their own on the official Hearthstone page. They are very similar to what I have been doing, and some even said that they stole my idea. I don't mind Blizzard making puzzles, but I think the similarities were too strong, and maybe they should have mentioned that I have been doing puzzles before.

Anyway. Today I'll start reposting my puzzles on my blog. That way it is easier for people to find them, and I'll have a nice archive of all puzzles I made so far. I'll also make more puzzles, but I can't give you an ETA because I have been using my free time writing articles, streaming, making videos and playing Hearthstone!

So here is the first puzzle I made!

This puzzle was only an experiment. I didn't know people would actually spend time solving, so there are some mistakes. First, there are 8 minions on the opponent board, which is impossible. At that point, I was not very familiar with the rules of the game, so I missed this error. Just solve the puzzle as if it was possible to have 8 minions on board.

The second mistake is a little tricky. The first puzzle a made didn't have a nice picture of all the cards as you see below. At that time all I did was lay out cards in cockatrice (a card game simulator) and write them on the forum post. Because of that I left wild pyromancer in play, when it should actually be in hand.

So there is two ways to solve this puzzle, with pyromancer in play and with pyromancer in hand. The second way is harder, so I recommend solving the puzzle with the pyromancer in play first.

Good luck and have fun with the puzzle!

Click here for a bigger image of the puzzle!